1. Pen = Pulpen

2. Bookcase = Rak Buku

3. Table = Meja

4. Chair = Kursi

5. Sofa = Sofa

6. Filing Cabinet = Lemari Arsip

7. Office space = Ruang Kantor

8. O’clock = Jam

9. Wall Clock = Jam Dinding

10. Paper = Kertas

11. Employees = Karyawan

12. Pencil = Pensil

13. Laptop = Laptop

14. Window = Jendela

15. Television = Televisi

16. Refrigerator = Lemari Es

17. Curtain = Gorden

18. Computer = Komputer

19. Air Conditioning = AC

20. Whiteboard = Papan Tulis

21. Markers = Spidol

22. Infokus = Infokus

23. Official Car = Mobil Dinas

24. Garden = Taman

25. Security Guard = Satpam

26. Security Station = Pos Satpam

27. Motorcycle = Seped Motor

28. Parking Lot = Tempat parkir

29. Telephone = Telepon

30. Ruler = Penggaris

31. Parlor = Ruang tamu

32. Waiting Room = Ruang Tunggu

33. Meeting Room = Ruang Meeting

34. Bathroom = Kamar Mandi

35. Elevator = Lift

36. Ladder = Tangga

37. File = Berkas

38. Modem = Modem

39. Office Boy = Pesuruh Kantor

40. Secretary = Sekretaris

41. Manager = Manajer

42. Accountant = Akuntan

43. Lamp = Lampu

44. Canteen = Kantin

45. Mosque = Mushola

46. Camera = Kamera

47. Electricity = Listrik

48. Engineering = Teknik Mesin

49. Plate = Piring

50. Mouse = Mouse

51. Keyboard = Keyboard

52. Safe = Brankas

53. Newspaper = Koran

54. Glass = Gelas

55. Trash Can = Tempat Sampah

56. Fan = Kipas Angin

57. Printer = Pencetak

58. Gym = Tempat Olahraga

59. Kitchen = Dapur

60. Drinking Water = Air Minum

61. Shoes = sepatu

62. Photocopiers = Mesin Fotokopi

63. Dining Room = Ruang Makan

64. Calendar = Kalender

65. Computer Engineering = Teknik Komputer

66. Treasurer = Bendahara

67. Diesel = Diesel

68. Handphone = Telepon Genggam

69. Vase = Vas

70. Frame = Bingkai

71. The Information = Bagian Informasi

72. Magazine = Majalah

73. Hall = Aula

74. Finance = Keuangan

75. Carpet = Karpet

76. Scissors = Gunting

77. Ruler = Penggaris

78. Bag = Tas

79. Jacket = Jas

80. Wifi = wifi

81. Kitchen Appliances = Peralatan Dapur

82. Paper Clip = Klip Kertas

83. Plant = Tanaman

84. Highlighter = Stabilo

85. Tie = Dasi

86. Eraser = Penghapus

87. Pool = Kolam

88. Director = Direktur

89. Discussion Room = Ruang Diskusi

90. Staff = Staf

91. Seat Cushion = Bantal Kursi

92. Salary = Gaji

93. Fork = Garpu

94. Knife = Pisau

95. Photo = Foto

96. Wall Decoration = Hiasan Dinding

97. Money = Uang

98. Overtime = Lembur

99. Spoon = Sendok

100. Dining Table = Meja makan

*Change the verb in these sentences (a) to the past tense, (b) to the Future tense, (c) to the perfect present tense.

2. They use that one : a. They used that one
b. They will use that one
c. They have used that one
3. We study English together : a. We studied English together
b. We will study English together
c. We have studied English together
4. They discuss their work : a. They discussed their work
b. They will discuss their work
c. They have discussed their work
5. They have enough time : a. They had enough time
b. They will have enough time
c. They have had enough time
6. I do all of the lesson : a. I did all of the lesson
b. I will do all of the lesson
c. I have done all of the lesson
7. He sits in that row : a. He seat in that row
b. He will sit in that row
c. He has seat in that row
8. I drive my car : a. I drove my car
b. I will drive my car
c. I have driven my car
9. She hides her money : a. She hide her money
b. She will hide her money
c. She has hiden her money
10. We go to school : a. We went to school
b. We will go to school
c. We have gone to school
11. He takes much time : a. He took much time
b. He will take much time
c. He has token much time
13. Do you enjoy that work? : a. Did you enjoy that work?
b. Will you enjoy that work?
c. Have you enjoyed that work?
14. Does he write many letters? : a. Did he write many letters?
b. Will he write many letters?
c. Has he writen many letters?
15. Do you send many letters? : a. Did you send many letters?
b. Will you send many letters?
c. Have you sent many letters?
16. Do they explain everything? : a. Did they explain everything?
b. Will they explain everything?
c. Have they explained everything?
17. Does she attend that class? : a. Did she attend that class?
b. Will she attend that class?
c. Has she attended that class?
18. Do you have enough time? : a. Did you have enough time?
b. Will you have enough time?
c. Have you had enough time?
19. Do they copy the sentences? : a. Did they copy the sentences?
b. Will they copy the sentences?
c. Have they copied the sentences?
20. Does she have much trouble : a. Did she have enough trouble?
b. Will she have enough trouble?
c. Has she had enough trouble?
21. Does she do good work? : a. Did she do good work?
b. Will she do good work?
c. Has she done good work?
22. Do the students practice? : a. Did the students practice?
b. Will the students practice?
c. Have the students praticed?
24. He doesn't work hard : a. He didn't work hard
b. He won't work hard
c. He hasn't worked hard
25. I don't have any energy : a. I didn't have any energy
b. I won't have any energy
c. I haven't had any energy
26. He doesn't pay his bills : a. He didn't pay his bills
b. He won't pay his bills
c. He hasn't paid his bills
27. We don't see that fellow : a. We didn't see that fellow
b. We won't see that fellow
c. We haven't seen that fellow
28. She doesn't use this one : a. She didn't use this one
b. She won't use this one
c. She hasn't used this one
29. They don't remember it : a. They didn't remember it
b. They won't remember it
c. They haven't remember it
30. I don't do much work here : a. I didn't do much work here
b. I won't do much work here
c. I haven't done much work here
31. He doesn't listen carefully : a. He didn't listen carefully
b. He won't listen carefully
c. He hasn't listened carefully

Simple past is formed for regular verbs by adding -d or – ed to the root of a word. Examples: He walked to the store, or They danced all night.. A negation is produced by adding did not and the verb in its infinitive form. Example: He did not walk to the store. Question sentences are started with did as in Did he walk to the store?

Simple past is used for describing acts that have already been concluded and whose exact time of occurrence is known. Furthermore, simple past is used for retelling successive events. That is why it is commonly used in storytelling.

Present perfect is formed by combining have/has with the main verb’s past participle form: I have arrived. A negation is produced by inserting not after have/has: I have not arrived. Questions in present perfect are formulated by starting a sentence with have/has: Has she arrived?

Present perfect is used for describing a past action’s effect on the present: He has arrived. Now he is here. This holds true for events that have just been concluded as well as for events that have not yet occurred.

Referensi dari : Wikipedia


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