1. Contoh penerapan etika dalam bisnis di era perdagangan bebas saat ini:

  • Tidak melakukan tindakan penipuan dalam berbisnis.
  • Tidak melakukan tindakan pemaksaan.
  • TIdak memberikan informasi yang palsu dalam berbisnis
  • Tidak melakukan tindakan yang diskriminatif terhadap orang-orang tertentu.
  • Melakukan persaingan bisnis yang sehat.
2. Pendapat terhadap pernyataan "Kompetisi adalah konsep, mereka yang berhasil adalah yang mahir menghancurkan musuh-musuhnya"
  • Dalam hal "menghancurkan musuh-musuhnya agar dapat berhasil" adalah tindakan yang tidak asing dalam era sekarang. Dalam hal berkompetisi terkadang dianggap sebagai suatu persaingan hidup dan mati. Walaupun begitu, saya kurang setuju dalam hal ini. Karena disebabkan oleh tidak pantasnya perbuatan dalam hal menghancurkan musuh-musuhnya atau pesaing-pesaing bisnisnya. Karena bagaimanapun juga, ada etika yang mengatur bagaimana cara berbisnis yang sehat dan sportif. Hal ini yang harus diterapkan oleh pengusaha-pengusaha atau pebisnis agar dapat menciptakan suasana yang kondusif dalam era perdagangan saat ini,
3. Contoh penerapan dari prinsip-prinsip GCG pada BUMN :

  • Kemandirian : Tidak bergantung pada pihak eksternal atau pihak luar
  • "Keep Your Promise" : Sebagai perwujudan dalam pelaksanaan prinsip pertanggung jawaban dan akuntabilitas.
  • Kewajaran (Fairness) : Perlakuan adil terhadap seluruh pihak pemegang kepentingan, dan tidak memihak pada siapapun.
  • Transparansi : Pengusaha mampu mengatakan apa adanya, lugas, jelas, akurat dana tepat waktu dalam pengambilan keputusan.


  1. Sebutkan penerapan etiket di masyarakat. min 5!
  2. Apabila seseorang melanggar etika akan mendapatkan sanksi. Sebutkan contoh etika social dan sanksi sosial di masyaraakat min 3!
  3. Apa kelebihan dan kekurangan paham hedonisme bila diterapkan di era globalisasi sekarang

1. Penerapan Etiket di masyarakat:
  • Mengucapkan salam ketika masuk ke rumah
  • Memberi atau menerima sesuatu harus dengan tangan kanan.
  • Berbahasa yang baik dan sopan terhadap semua orang.
  • Tidak bersendawa sembarangan saat makan atau sehabis makan.
2. Contoh etika sosial di masyarakat:
  • Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan
  • Bertingkahlaku baik kepada semua orang
  • Bertutur bahasa yang baik, ramah dan sopan baik kepada orang yang lebih tua.
Sanksi sosial di masyarakat :
  • Mendapat tegoran/peringatan dari masyarakat dan dikucilkan dilingkungan masyarakat.
  • Diserahkan ke pihak yang berwajib jika pelanggan yang kita buat sudah melewati batas-batas norma dalam lingkungan tersebut.
  • Dijauhi oleh warga dilingkungan masyarakat tersebut.
3. Kelebihan hedonisme di era globalisasi:
  • Mendapatkan informasi dan menambah pengetahuan lebih banyak, untuk kepentingan dimasa yang akan datang.
  • Karena kemajuan teknologi membuat kita lebih mudah dalam menjalankan kegiatan
Kekurangan hedonisme di era globalisasi:
  • Tidak memiliki batasan dalam pengendalian diri sendiri, hanya memikirkan kepuasan untuk kesengan dirinya sendiri tanpa memiliki rasa bertanggung jawab.
  • Kita lupa akan budaya dan sejarah kita.
  • Bisa merusak generasi muda bangsa yang ada dan untuk masa yang akan datang.

Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian) menjelaskan bahwa sebuah kegiatan bertentangan dengan kegiatan yang lain. Dalam bahasa Inggris, conditional sentences pada umumnya memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:

a. digunakannya kata if dalam anak kalimat (subordinate clause). Karena clause ini diawali oleh if maka disebut if clause.
b. digunakannya modal auxiliary, seperti will, can, may, must, would, could, might, etc. pada pokok kalimat (main clause).

Jenis-jenis Conditional Sentences :
1. Real Conditional (sering juga disebut juga dengan Conditional Tipe I) yang menggambarkan tentang mengandai-andai sesuai dengan fakta.
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pengandaian yang dibuat berdasarkan fakta di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang dan pengandaian ini bisa saja terjadi. Klausa “IF” biasanya dalam bentuk Present Simple Tense.

RUMUS : IF + S + Present Tense, S + Future Tense

Contoh : if I graduate from senior high school, I may study in university

2. Unreal Conditional (sering juga disebut sebagai Conditional Tipe II) yang menggambarkan tentang pengandaian yang tidak nyata atau berimajinasi.
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang tidak nyata di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang. Tipe ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah harapan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam klausa “IF” adalah Past Simple Tense.

RUMUS : If + S + Past Tense, S + Past Future

Contoh : if I graduated from senior high school, I might study in university

3. Ada juga Conditional yang ke-3 yang sering disebut dengan Conditional Tipe III, digunakan sebagai penyesalan yang terjadi di masa lampau dan zero conditional, digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang sudah pasti benar.
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah kondisi di masa yang lampau yang tidak mungkin akan terjadi lagi. Sering digunakan untuk mengkritik atau penyesalan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam Klausa “IF” adalah Past Perfect Tense.

RUMUS : If + s + Past Perfect, S + Future Past Perfect

Contoh : if I had graduated from senior high school, I might have studied in university


1. If I (have) the day off tomorrow, I would go to the beach.

If I had the day off tomorrow, I would go to the beach.

2. If I (have) a million dollars right now, I would retire.

If I had a million dollars right now, I would retire.

3. If I (be) the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.

If I were the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.

4. If that man (work) harder, he could earn more money.

If that man worked harder, he could earn more money.

5. I would gladly tell you the answer if I only (know) it myself.

I would gladly tell you the answer if I only knew it myself.

6. If Don and I (have) enough money, We could buy a house.

If Don and I had enough money, We could buy a house.

7. If the weather (be) better right now, we could go for a walk.

If the weather were better right now, we could go for a walk.

8. That student would get much higher marks if he (study) harder.

That student would get much higher marks if he studied harder.

9. If Mr.Smith (call) me, I would explain everything to him.

If Mr.Smith called me, I would explain everything to him.

10. Mr.Moore would give up teaching if he (enjoy, not) it so much.

Mr.Moore would give up teaching if he didn't enjoy it so much.

11. If I (be) in your place, I would accept Mr.Anderson offer.

If I were in your place, I would accept Mr.Anderson offer.

12. People would understand you better if you (speak) more carefully.

People would understand you better if you spoke more carefully.


1. If George (have) the money, he would have lent it to me.

If George had had the money, he would have lent it to me.

2. I would have spoken to Frank if I (see) him yesterday.

I would have spoken to Frank if I had seen him yesterday.

3. If the weather (be) better, we would have left Friday morning.

If the weather been better, we would have left Friday morning.

4. Alice would have told you the truth if you (ask) her about it.

Alice would have told you the truth if you had asked her about it.

5. If you (study) a little harder, you would have passed the test.

If you had studied a little harder, you would have passed the test.

6. I could have lent you some money if I (spend, not) everything.

I could have lent you some money if I had not spent everything.

7. If there (be) any complaints, we would have heard about them.

If there had been any complaints, we would have heard about them.

8. We would have gone with Fred last Friday if he (invite) us.

We would have gone with Fred last Friday if he had invited us.

9. If you (ask, only)me, I could easily have given you the answer.

If you had only asked me, I could easily have given you the answer.

10. Bill would have taken more photographs if he (had) more film.

Bill would have taken more photographs if he had had more film.

11. If Tom (be) here yesterday, he would have been able to advise us.

If Tom had been here yesterday, he would have been able to advise us.

12. We would have bought that house if the price (be) a little lower.

We would have bought that house if the price had been a little lower.

13. If they (need) any help with the work, they would have called us.

If they had needed any help with the work, they would have called us.


1. If you don’t leave immediately, I will call a policeman.

Unless you leave immediately, I will call a policeman.

2. Fred wouldn’t do that if he didn’t have your permission.

Fred wouldn’t do that unless he had your permission.

3. I won’t bother to call you if I don’t hear from Mr. Brown.

I won’t bother to call you unless I hear from Mr. Brown.

4. If you didn’t agree with him, Charles wouldn’t even suggest it.

Unless you agreed with him, Charles wouldn’t even suggest it.

5. We can’t write to Mr. Suzuki if he doesn’t send us his address.

We can’t write to Mr. Suzuki unless he sends us his address.

6. If you don’t study harder, you’re going to fail the examination.

Unless you study harder, you’re going to fail the examination.

7. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.

I wouldn’t have believed it unless I had seen it with my own eyes.

8. If she doesn’t start the letter now, she’ll have to do it tomorrow.

Unless she start the letter now, she’ll have to do it tomorrow.

9. The lawyer wouldn’t say that if he didn’t have strong evidence.

The lawyer wouldn’t say that unless he had strong evidence.

10. If you don’t invest your money wisely, you will lose all of it.

Unless you invest your money wisely, you will lose all of it.

11. I won’t say anything if smith doesn’t bring up the matter himself.

I won’t say anything unless smith bring up the matter himself.

12. If no more guests come, ther will be enough food for everyone.

unless guests come, ther will be enough food for everyone.

13. Our dog wouldn’t have barked if he hadn’t heard a strange noise.

Our dog wouldn’t have barked unless he had heard a strange noise.


1. If you had taken my advice, you will succeed

2. I would have had less trouble if you want to help me

3. If anyone had asked me about it, I would not have told

4. Our dog Saki would have barked if saki had been hungry

5. If I had been in your place, I would feel happy

6. Bill wouldn’t have said anything if he did not know what they mean

7. If you had followed my instructions, you would have been safe

8. You wouldn’t have lost your money if you have saved your money in the bank

9. If john had taken better care of his car, his car would be fine

10. We couldn’t have gone on our trip if no vehicle to get there

11. If you had only left your house earlier, you must lock all the doors of your house

12. If would have been much better, if you had done well

13. If my watch hadn’t been five minutes slow, I’m not going to be late

14. Things would have been different if we differentiate it

15. If I had been born a century ago, I would not be here now

Test of English as a Foreign Language disingkat TOEFL adalah ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (logat Amerika) yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar masuk kekolese (college) atau universitas di Amerika Serikat atau negara-negara lain di dunia. Ujian ini sangat diperlukan bagi pendaftar atau pembicara yang bahasa ibunya bukanbahasa Inggris. Ujian TOEFL ini diselenggarakan oleh kantor ETS (Educational Testing Service) di Amerika Serikat untuk semua peserta tes di seluruh dunia.

Jenis tes bahasa Inggris TOEFL ini pada umumnya diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada baik untuk program undergraduate (S-1) maupun graduate (S-2 atau S-3). Hasil tes TOEFL ini juga dipakai sebagai bahan pertimbangan mengenai kemampuan bahasa Inggris dari calon mahasiswa yang mendaftar ke universitas di negara lain, termasuk universitas di Eropa dan Australia. Secara umum, tes TOEFL lebih berorientasi kepada American English, dan sedikit berbeda dengan jenis tes IELTS yang berorientasi kepada British English. Tidak seperti tes IELTS, tes TOEFL ini pada umumnya tidak mempunyai bagian individual interview test.

Biasanya tes ini memakan waktu sekitar tiga jam dan diselenggarakan dalam 4 bagian, yaitu bagian:

  • listening comprehension,
  • grammar structure and written expression,
  • reading comprehension, dan bagian
  • writing.

Nilai hasil ujian TOEFL berkisar antara: 310 (nilai minimum) sampai 677 (nilai maximum) untuk versi PBT (paper-based test).

Sejak tahun 1998, tes TOEFL ini diadakan secara online dengan menggunakan komputer (Computer-based Testing/CBT), dan sejak tahun 2005 disebut iBT (Internet-based Test). Di tempat-tempat yang belum bisa melaksanakan CBT atau iBT (karena belum ada fasilitas komputer dan jaringan internetnya), ujian TOEFL ini masih tetap diadakan secara manual menggunakan kertas dan potlot (paper-based test atau PBT). Informasi lebih lengkap tentang tes CBT dan paper-based TOEFL berkaitan dengan pendaftaran, lokasi penyelenggaraan, biaya, dan bahan-bahan persiapan tes dapat dilihat di situs resmi TOEFL, http://www.toefl.org (hasil ujian TOEFL versi CBT mempunyai nilai berkisar antara 0 sampai 300, sementara nilai untuk iBT adalah dari 0 sampai 120) [1].

Akhir-akhir ini penyelenggara tes TOEFL juga mengadakan jenis tes TWE (Test of Written English) yang hasil nilainya terpisah dari nilai tes TOEFL. Tes ini memakan waktu selama 30 menit, dan peserta akan diminta untuk menuliskan karangan singkat yang menggambarkan mengenai kemampuan peserta untuk mengekspresikan dan menuangkan suatu gagasan atau ide, serta mendukung gagasan itu dengan contoh-contoh yang terdapat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang standar.

Jenis tes TOEFL yang lain adalah TSEP (Test of Spoken English Program) yang mirip dengan bagian individual interview pada tes IELTS. Tes ini biasanya dipakai kalau kita ingin mendaftar sebagai asisten dosen atau asisten laboratorium (sebagai salah satu cara untuk meringankan biaya kuliah) di universias di AS (atau negara lain). Bentuk tesnya diadakan secara lisan dan berlangsung selama kurang lebih 20 menit. Waktu penyelenggaraan dan batas akhir pendaftarannya sama dengan tes TOEFL yang lain, dan biayanya kira-kira sebesar US$100.

By : id.wikipedia.org

Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences.

1. The teacher decided (accepting/to accept) the paper.

2. The appreciate (to have/having) this information.

3. His father doesn’t approve of his (going/to go) to Europe.

4. We found it very difficult (reaching/to reach) a decision.

5. Donna is interested in (to open/opening) a bar.

6. George has no intention of (to leave/leaving) the city now.

7. We are eager (to return/returning) to school in the fall.

8. You would be better of (to buy/buying) this car.

9. She refused (to accept/accepting) the gift.

10. Mary regrets (to be/being) the one to have to tell him.

11. George pretended (to be/being) sick yesterday.

12. Carlos hopes (to finish/finishing) his thesis this year.

13. They agreed (to leave/leaving) early.

14. Helen was anxious (to tell/telling) her family about her promotion.

15. We are not ready (to stop/stopping) this research at this time.

16. Henry shouldn’t risk (to drive/driving) so fast.

17. He demands (to know/knowing) what is going on.

18. She is looking forward to (return/returning) to her country.

19. There is no excuse for ( to leave/leaving) the room in this condition.

20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave/leaving) the game

Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences

1. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight.

2. Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.

3. Skating (is/are) becoming more popular every day.

4. A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.

5. Everybody who (has/have) a fever must go home immediately.

6. Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last tonight.

7. There (was/were) some people at the meeting last night.

8. The committee (has/have) already reached a decision.

9. A pair of jeans (was/were) in the washing meachine this morning

10. Each student (has/have) answered the first three questions.

11. Either John or his wife (make/makes) breakfast each morning.

12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything (was/were) in order.

13. The crowd at the basketball game (was/were) wild with excitement.

14. A pack of wild dogs (has/have) frightened all the ducks away.

15. The jury (is/are) trying to reach a decision.

16. The army (has/have) eliminated this section of the training test.

17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is/are) appalling.

18. There (has/have) been too many interruptions in this class.

19. Every elementary school teacher (has/have) to take this examination.

20. Neither Jill nor her parents (has/have) seen this movie before

1. Pen = Pulpen

2. Bookcase = Rak Buku

3. Table = Meja

4. Chair = Kursi

5. Sofa = Sofa

6. Filing Cabinet = Lemari Arsip

7. Office space = Ruang Kantor

8. O’clock = Jam

9. Wall Clock = Jam Dinding

10. Paper = Kertas

11. Employees = Karyawan

12. Pencil = Pensil

13. Laptop = Laptop

14. Window = Jendela

15. Television = Televisi

16. Refrigerator = Lemari Es

17. Curtain = Gorden

18. Computer = Komputer

19. Air Conditioning = AC

20. Whiteboard = Papan Tulis

21. Markers = Spidol

22. Infokus = Infokus

23. Official Car = Mobil Dinas

24. Garden = Taman

25. Security Guard = Satpam

26. Security Station = Pos Satpam

27. Motorcycle = Seped Motor

28. Parking Lot = Tempat parkir

29. Telephone = Telepon

30. Ruler = Penggaris

31. Parlor = Ruang tamu

32. Waiting Room = Ruang Tunggu

33. Meeting Room = Ruang Meeting

34. Bathroom = Kamar Mandi

35. Elevator = Lift

36. Ladder = Tangga

37. File = Berkas

38. Modem = Modem

39. Office Boy = Pesuruh Kantor

40. Secretary = Sekretaris

41. Manager = Manajer

42. Accountant = Akuntan

43. Lamp = Lampu

44. Canteen = Kantin

45. Mosque = Mushola

46. Camera = Kamera

47. Electricity = Listrik

48. Engineering = Teknik Mesin

49. Plate = Piring

50. Mouse = Mouse

51. Keyboard = Keyboard

52. Safe = Brankas

53. Newspaper = Koran

54. Glass = Gelas

55. Trash Can = Tempat Sampah

56. Fan = Kipas Angin

57. Printer = Pencetak

58. Gym = Tempat Olahraga

59. Kitchen = Dapur

60. Drinking Water = Air Minum

61. Shoes = sepatu

62. Photocopiers = Mesin Fotokopi

63. Dining Room = Ruang Makan

64. Calendar = Kalender

65. Computer Engineering = Teknik Komputer

66. Treasurer = Bendahara

67. Diesel = Diesel

68. Handphone = Telepon Genggam

69. Vase = Vas

70. Frame = Bingkai

71. The Information = Bagian Informasi

72. Magazine = Majalah

73. Hall = Aula

74. Finance = Keuangan

75. Carpet = Karpet

76. Scissors = Gunting

77. Ruler = Penggaris

78. Bag = Tas

79. Jacket = Jas

80. Wifi = wifi

81. Kitchen Appliances = Peralatan Dapur

82. Paper Clip = Klip Kertas

83. Plant = Tanaman

84. Highlighter = Stabilo

85. Tie = Dasi

86. Eraser = Penghapus

87. Pool = Kolam

88. Director = Direktur

89. Discussion Room = Ruang Diskusi

90. Staff = Staf

91. Seat Cushion = Bantal Kursi

92. Salary = Gaji

93. Fork = Garpu

94. Knife = Pisau

95. Photo = Foto

96. Wall Decoration = Hiasan Dinding

97. Money = Uang

98. Overtime = Lembur

99. Spoon = Sendok

100. Dining Table = Meja makan

*Change the verb in these sentences (a) to the past tense, (b) to the Future tense, (c) to the perfect present tense.

2. They use that one : a. They used that one
b. They will use that one
c. They have used that one
3. We study English together : a. We studied English together
b. We will study English together
c. We have studied English together
4. They discuss their work : a. They discussed their work
b. They will discuss their work
c. They have discussed their work
5. They have enough time : a. They had enough time
b. They will have enough time
c. They have had enough time
6. I do all of the lesson : a. I did all of the lesson
b. I will do all of the lesson
c. I have done all of the lesson
7. He sits in that row : a. He seat in that row
b. He will sit in that row
c. He has seat in that row
8. I drive my car : a. I drove my car
b. I will drive my car
c. I have driven my car
9. She hides her money : a. She hide her money
b. She will hide her money
c. She has hiden her money
10. We go to school : a. We went to school
b. We will go to school
c. We have gone to school
11. He takes much time : a. He took much time
b. He will take much time
c. He has token much time
13. Do you enjoy that work? : a. Did you enjoy that work?
b. Will you enjoy that work?
c. Have you enjoyed that work?
14. Does he write many letters? : a. Did he write many letters?
b. Will he write many letters?
c. Has he writen many letters?
15. Do you send many letters? : a. Did you send many letters?
b. Will you send many letters?
c. Have you sent many letters?
16. Do they explain everything? : a. Did they explain everything?
b. Will they explain everything?
c. Have they explained everything?
17. Does she attend that class? : a. Did she attend that class?
b. Will she attend that class?
c. Has she attended that class?
18. Do you have enough time? : a. Did you have enough time?
b. Will you have enough time?
c. Have you had enough time?
19. Do they copy the sentences? : a. Did they copy the sentences?
b. Will they copy the sentences?
c. Have they copied the sentences?
20. Does she have much trouble : a. Did she have enough trouble?
b. Will she have enough trouble?
c. Has she had enough trouble?
21. Does she do good work? : a. Did she do good work?
b. Will she do good work?
c. Has she done good work?
22. Do the students practice? : a. Did the students practice?
b. Will the students practice?
c. Have the students praticed?
24. He doesn't work hard : a. He didn't work hard
b. He won't work hard
c. He hasn't worked hard
25. I don't have any energy : a. I didn't have any energy
b. I won't have any energy
c. I haven't had any energy
26. He doesn't pay his bills : a. He didn't pay his bills
b. He won't pay his bills
c. He hasn't paid his bills
27. We don't see that fellow : a. We didn't see that fellow
b. We won't see that fellow
c. We haven't seen that fellow
28. She doesn't use this one : a. She didn't use this one
b. She won't use this one
c. She hasn't used this one
29. They don't remember it : a. They didn't remember it
b. They won't remember it
c. They haven't remember it
30. I don't do much work here : a. I didn't do much work here
b. I won't do much work here
c. I haven't done much work here
31. He doesn't listen carefully : a. He didn't listen carefully
b. He won't listen carefully
c. He hasn't listened carefully

Simple past is formed for regular verbs by adding -d or – ed to the root of a word. Examples: He walked to the store, or They danced all night.. A negation is produced by adding did not and the verb in its infinitive form. Example: He did not walk to the store. Question sentences are started with did as in Did he walk to the store?

Simple past is used for describing acts that have already been concluded and whose exact time of occurrence is known. Furthermore, simple past is used for retelling successive events. That is why it is commonly used in storytelling.

Present perfect is formed by combining have/has with the main verb’s past participle form: I have arrived. A negation is produced by inserting not after have/has: I have not arrived. Questions in present perfect are formulated by starting a sentence with have/has: Has she arrived?

Present perfect is used for describing a past action’s effect on the present: He has arrived. Now he is here. This holds true for events that have just been concluded as well as for events that have not yet occurred.

Referensi dari : Wikipedia


By: Safir Senduk

From IndoExchange.com

A huge earning is usually considered for measuring the wealth of someone. However, why do so many people with huge income frequently end up running out of money in the middle or at the end of the month? What is the problem?

If you have a job now, do you remember the first one you ever had? Usually, the first experience on work is the most unforgettable experience.

Let's take an example. Anto was still living with his family until he got a job at the age of 23, as a clerk in a trading company. At that time, he had just graduated. Although he had to go through a probationary period, Anto was so excited when he knew that he would get his first salary. His salary was Rp 600,000, which he would receive on the 27th.

We can guess what he would want to do: he wanted to treat his family. He wanted to express his gratitude for getting a salary for the first time in his life, and he also wanted to show them that he was independent now.

Let's see: he received the salary on the 27th. On the 29th he took his family out for a meal in an all-you-can-eat restaurant, so each of them could satisfy their appetite. The pre-tax cost for one person was Rp 22,000, and after tax was Rp 24,200 per person. All of his family members were 7, consisting of his father, mother, one big brother and 3 annoying younger brothers. All was 6, plus Anto made it 7. It means that he had to pay the dinner bill of Rp 169,400. Which means, only 2 days after he received his salary, he had already spent 28% out of his salary for that month. So, he had only Rp 430,600 left for the rest of the month.

"No problem", thought Anto. "It's my own family that I treated, not other people. Besides, it's not every day I do that. Once a month is enough." Days went by. One week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks. "Hmm…that stuff in the mall looks pretty good. There is a very interesting looking shirt. Okay, it costs Rp 28,000. There's also this nice pair of trousers to wear for work. Very cheap, costs only Rp 65,000. It won't hurt to look stylish at the office". He then started buying things. "Okay", Anto thought, "one shirt and a pair of pants for this month. The rest of my salary would be used for transportation and food until the end of the month" .

What happened? On the 24th of the next month, just three days before his second-month payday, he had only Rp 50,000 left.

Anto started thinking. Okay...., such was because he spent most of his money to treat his family. Also this was his first time working. Within the coming months, his finance would be better.

The second month, he got his salary again. Still in the same amount. No raise yet. The difference was no more treating the family. Days and weeks went by. A few days before his third salary, he only had Rp 75,000 left.

Three months passed by, he was finally accepted as permanent employee. He got a Rp 150,000 raise to Rp 750,000. "Not bad", Anto thought. This meant that I would be able to "breath" and save a little. But strangely, a few days before even one month period ended, his still had only little money left. The sixth month, the seventh month, the eight month, although he got a raise, but he still ran out of money and could not put any into savings.

As a matter of fact, Anto is not the only one, whose income is under Rp 1m, with this problem. Even people with millions per month income still have trouble saving money.

What is really happening? Many people think that by getting a raise, they will not run out of money in the middle of the month and they can save for sure. Every month they hope that they will get a raise the next months. But after they really get a raise, they still run out of money.

It is clear that the solution here lies not on how big your income is. The amount of your income does not guarantee that you will not run out of money in the middle of the month. The size of your income does not guarantee that you will be able to save. The key here is not how much money you make, but how you manage your income so that it can be stretched in a one-month period.


Mr. Ramachandran,
EWQ, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82/ABC Pontian,


Mr. Johnny Kay,
Regional Manager,
Centurion Enterprises Company,
456, Lalan Bandar Baru,
82000 Pontian,

Dear Mr. Kay,

My wife and I would like to congratulate you on your recent promotion to Regional manager. This is indeed a coveted position and we are sure you will do a good job.

The last five years when you were Area Sales manger, your company enjoyed a good turnover of business because of your innovative methods of increasing sales. We believe you can be even more effective in your new position. We look forward to even better years.

Once again, congratulation and best wishes from all of us here.

With love.

Yours Sincerely,

(Signature of Ramachandran)


Dear Mr. Doe,

I am writing to ask whether it would be possible for you to provide a reference for me?

If you were able to attest to my qualifications for employment, and the skills I attained during my tenure at ABC Company, I would sincerely appreciate it.

I am in the process of seeking employment and a positive reference from you would enhance my prospects of achieving my career goals.

Please let me know if there is any information I can provide regarding my experience to assist you in giving me a reference. I can be reached at jsmith@abcd.com or (111) 111-1111.

Thank you for your consideration.


John Smith

Hi dear,
My motive write this letter is to give know you something (hai, maksudku menulis
surat ini adalah ingin memberi tahu sesuatu)
I WANT TO CUT CONNECTION US (saya ingin memutuskan hubungan kita)
I have think about this very cook cook (saya telah memikirkan ini masak masak)
I know I clap one hand only (saya tahu bahwa saya hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan)

Correctly, I see you and woman different together at town with my eyes and head
myself (sebenarnya, saya melihat kamu dan perempuan lain di kota dengan mata
kepala saya sendiri)
You always ask for apology back back (kamu selalu minta maaf bolak balik)
I don't trust you again!! (saya tidak percaya kamu lagi)
You are really crocodile land!! (kamu benar benar buaya darat)
My Friend speak you play fire (teman saya bilang kamu bermain api)
Now I know you correct correct play fire (sekarang saya tahu kamu benar benar
bermain api)
So, I break connection to pull my body from this love triangle (jadi saya
putuskan saja hubungan untuk menarik diri dari cinta segitiga ini)
I know this result I pick is very correct, because you love she very high from
(saya tahu keputusan yg saya ambil ini benar, karena kamu mencintai dia lebih
tinggi dari saya)
So, I break off to go far from here (jadi saya putuskan untuk pergi dari sini)
I don't want you to play play with my liver
(saya tidak ingin kamu main main dengan hati saya)
I have been crying until no more eye water thinking about you
(saya menangis sampai tidak ada lagi air mata memikirkan kamu)
I don't want split of banana for two times
(saya tidak mau terpeleset untuk kedua kalinya)

Safe walk...(selamat jalan..)

Full Love (penuh cinta)

Dear Sir,

Im seeing your fast growing organization and I heard that your company has a good reputation, so I would like to join with your company as Credit Marketing officer (CMO).

I am 29 years of age and I graduated from Mechanical Technique Faculty, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Bandung, Majoring in Metallurgy.

I have an excellent health, high motivation, good communication skill, computer skill, creative, high loyalty, integrity, I am ready to work hard, motorcycle, SIM C and highly motivated to works every where.

Hopefully, you could consider my application and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


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